Mary’s Wedding October 17th & 18th 7:30pm Wexford Studio Theatre
Backdrop of red poppies in a black and white field

Stage lit with a full moon shrouded by clouds. Chairs and a draped object in the middle.

3 actors wearing white shirts and suspenders in the foreground, with 1 actor standing on a platform behind close to the backdrop.

Two rows of actors facing each other in the foreground, as others look on from the raised platform in the back.

One actor dressed in white in the foreground holding a bridal bouquet, while the others on the back platform are standing while appearing asleep with their heads resting on their hands to their right.

Actor in suspenders looks fearfully upwards as others look on from a distance.

Scene of full stage, with actors in suspenders to the left and right, while others are dressed in white standing on a raised platform in the back. Two actors are speaking to each other in the middle.

Two actors in the foreground crouched and looking to one another as they speak, while others on the raised platform watch them.

Actor dressed in white speaks as others look on from behind.

Two actors in the spotlight straddling a covered object while others behind them look upon them.

Actor in foreground spotlight speaking as others look upon them.

Foreground of actors in suspenders waving their hands with their backs to the picture towards others dressed in white waving back at them.

Foreground has an actor dressed in white with their right hand held high waving, with groups of actors waving to other groups.

Foreground of two actors speaking to one another while others behind them are asleep.

Two actors, one in white shirt and suspenders and the other in a white dress, speaking to one another in the foreground as others look on.

Actor in white dress standing and speaking as others look on seated behind them.

Scene of one actor spotlighted on a raised platform with others saluting in the rear. In the foreground, actors dressed as soldiers carrying rifles march across.

Actor in white shirt and suspenders speaking as others in white dresses behind are saluting.

Row of actors in white shirts and suspenders in the foreground, with others standing in the background behind them.

Actors in white shirts and suspenders in the foreground holding their hands to their necks as they lean forward, while others in the background look on.

One actor in the front with a white shirt looking to their right as the background has a meal scene as others in dresses are eating or serving.

Foreground of actor in white looking shocked while another actor looks on them while speaking, spotlighted in their white dress.

Background shot of several actors huddled together with their heads bowed, and two in the middle under an umbrella.

Orange spotlight on foreground of one actor in white shirt being lifted up by other actors, while in the background a blue spotlight of an actor looking upon them.

Whole stage scene of an actor sitting on the floor under an orange spotlight, while in the background a blue spotlight on a group of actors in the centre seated on a raised platform flanked by others seated on either side of them.

Two actors in white speaking to one another in the foreground as others look upon them in the background.

One actor in a soldier hat reading something out loud while another actor in white shirt looks at their back. Others are looking upon them on a raised platform and seated behind them.

Row of seated actors wearing white shirts and carrying rifles

Two actors in white shirts and suspenders holding their rifles in the spotlight in the foreground, as a standing actor in a white dress looks on in the background.

Actor with a soldier’s hat and carrying a rifle in their right hand raising his left hand to his lips looking to the left, as another actor carrying a rifle looks on them.

Actors carrying rifles crouched, with some preparing to aim their rifles to shoot.

Dimly-lit foreground of 5 actors carrying rifles, as others stand looking upon them in the background.

Actor in white shirt and suspenders looking at actor in white dress straddling a covered item, as others in the background look on.

Two actors dressed in white talking to one another in the foreground as others look on in the background.

Actor wearing white shirt and suspenders crouched and aiming a rifle while a standing actor wearing a soldier’s cap follows their sightline.

Actor dressed in white on the right speaking to an actor seated on the left. To the right of the seated actor, others look up and away.

Actor in grey shirt and wearing a soldier hat speaking as others are seated behind and looking on.

Actor in white shirt and suspenders looking forward in a grey light.

Actor dressed in white speaking to their right as others look on from behind.

Actors in soldier hats, one standing and one seated.

Actor in front crouched and aiming a rifle to their left, while another actor behind them in a white dress looks on.

Actor on left in white shirt and brown pants touches their collarbone while the actor on right in all white puts out their right hand towards the other while holding a note.

Actor on left is dressed in a soldier’s coat and hat, speaking with an actor on the right in white shirt and black glasses, as others look on.

Actor in white dress speaking as others looks on from behind.

Actor on right in grey shirt and soldier’s cap points to their right, as the actor on left in white shirt and suspenders looks in the pointed direction.

Acttor in foreground in white shirt spotlighted along with another actor standing in the background surrounded by others. All looking in the same direction to their left.

Actors in white shirts and suspenders holding out their hands as they prepare to charge in this scene.

Actor in soldier’s cap being held by another in white shirt and suspenders.

Actor on left in white shirt and suspenders speaking to their left as actor on right in white dress looks forward, as others in the background look on.

Actors in foreground looking up at spotlighted actor in white dress in the background speaks.

Actor in white dress being comforted by another actor in the foreground, as others look on.

Two columns of actors dressed in white smiling.