Performing Arts Season
Performance Season

High School Musical - May 2024

Winter Showcase - December 2023

Seasonal Variety Show 2023 Flyer

Group of singers in white singing, with accompanists playing guitar, beatbox, and instruments to the left and behind.

Singers in white and black

Singers in white and black

Singers in white and black

Singers in white and black

Dancers hunched over wearing a Santa hat. One dressed in white is standing up in the rear.

5 dancers with arms raised straight up

Dancers in white tops and black pants in the foreground, with two dancers in the background in black tops and white pants.

Dancers in white tops and black pants in the foreground

Student dressed in red with red reindeer antlers screaming as another student in brown with brown reindeer antlers lies on the floor in front of them.

Actor in red with red reindeer antlers pointing at two actors in brown with brown reindeer antlers on either side of one another.

Group of singers singing against a black background.

Group of singers singing against a black background.

Group of singers singing against a black background.

Group of singers singing against a black background with piano and cello accompanists to the left.

Group of singers singing against a black background.

Group of singers singing against a black background.

Actors showing off a skimpy tree in the middle.

Members of the Junior Band

Members of the Junior Band

Members of the Junior Band

Members of the Junior Band

Actor on left wearing an elf hat giving a heart to an actor wearing white, an elf vest, and an elf hat on the right.

Curtains parting to reveal an actor dressed in a white robe, while on the right an actor wearing red looks back in surprise.

Ballet dancer jumping with legs in the air while having headphones over their head.

Two dancers wearing white shirts, ties, and skirts are jumping on stage.

Various dancers paused on stage.

Various dancers paused on stage.

On the left, actor in blue top and black paints looks disappointed as three actors in pink, green, and orange look on.

Actors in green on the left and orange in the centre look on as the actor on the right in blue top and black pants smiles and gestures towards themselves.

On the left, an actor in blue top and black pants looks excited as they look upon an actor in pink speaking in the centre. On the right, a narrator in green looks on the scene.

Group of 5 singers, with singer on far left sitting on a beatbox and middle singer playing a guitar.

Actor on left dressed in yellow shirt and pink apron is pulling out clothes from a bag towards actor on right wearing a number of layers of tops and jacket with face covered by a large scarf.

Group of singers singing against a black backdrop.

Group of singers singing against a black backdrop.

Group of singers singing against a black backdrop.

Group of singers singing against a black backdrop.

Group of singers singing against a black backdrop.

Actors dressed in shades of pink and white against a black backdrop.

Group of actors, some dressed in suit jackets, against a red curtain.

Actor in pink button shirt, red vest, and blue bowtie being held on left arm by an actor wearing pink, and being held on right arm by actor in a brown suit jacket.

Actors dressed in lab coats at a chalkboard with formulae written on the board.

Actors in pink on the right look on screaming as actor in centre with pink suit and pants has their hair cut off by an actor on the left wearing a brown suit jacket and holding a giant pair of scirros.

Actors in pink in the foreground and in beach attire in the background look to the centre as a tall actor wearing a pink cowboy hat, pink shirt, and brown vest enters between them.

Dancers standing with their arms outstretched above them are castr in a purple-blueish light.

Dancers kneeling in the foreground facing and pointing their arms away in rows.

Group of dancers congregating towards the centre, with some dancers holding up one dancer in the air with one leg parallel to the ground and the other leg lifted straight up.

Four musicians in black playing their brass instruments at the front of the stage.

Three actors dressed in winter jackets. The actor on the left has their right arm outstretched and speaking to the other two looking at them.

Senior Band musicians playing.

Senior Band musicians playing.

Senior Band musicians playing.

Five actors sitting on the stage to the right while an actor stands on the left dressed as an egg with a green yolk.

Three groups of dancers on stage; the ones on the left and right are standing while the middle group is kneeling.

Two dancers jumping with right feet outstretched and arms up in the air bathed in purple stage light.

An actor on the far left dressed in a green elf outfit looks at his phone as two actors dance on the right. One actor is dressed in a Santa outfit and the other is dressed in a Christmas sweater.

Two actors in the foreground are dressed in silver and kneeling. Directly behind them are two actors dressed in brown. In the foreground, there are two groups of actors; the left group is dressed in green while the right group is dressed in red robes.

Group of actors dressed in green displaying excitement.

Two singers dressed in black holding microphones against a red backdrop.

Singers dressed in black.

Singers dressed in black.

Singers dressed in black.

Narrators dressed in dark colours against a black background.

Four actors appearing to be arguing whilst seated.

Dancers dressed in white paused.

Dancers dressed in white paused.

Dancers dressed in white dancing with their left legs lifted up.

Dancers dressed in white seated in the foreground appearing asleep while other dancers behind them are paused in poses.

Singers in white tops.

Singers in white tops.

Singers in white tops.

Actor on left dressed in orange and yellow work shirt gesturing as actor on right dressed in black with green elf vest and hat looks on.

Dancers jumping in mid-air

3 dancers; the one of the left is half-bent supporting the middle dancer who has their legs split in mid-jump, while the third dancer on the right looks on in the background.

Dancers sitting on stage

Actor dressed as Santa stands in the middle giving a green box to an actor on the right as two other actors look on from the right and another two from the left.

Senior band musicians playing.

Actor on left dressed in yellow shirt and green scarflooks off screen as actor on right in blue jacket is on bended knee holding a proposal ring out towards the first actor.

Actors on left wearing yellow and blue look right as five actors holding a sign each with the words “Congrats” “She” “Said” “Yes” “<heart>”

Singer in black coat and red scarf

Singer with white dress black leggings and white socks

Group of singers wearing plaid sweaters

Group of singers wearing plaid sweaters

Group of singers wearing plaid sweaters

Actor in yellow in foreground as actor in black coat in blackground laughs manically

Four actors; on left, actor in black coat points at the others as the other three speak amongst each other

On left, actor in plaid sweater elf vest and elf hat stands straight. In the middle, an actor with a beak holds a plush bear. On the right, an actor in elf vest and elf hat waits to be handed the plush bear.

A line of actors dressed as elves in vests and hats in the rear, with one actor dressed in a tuxedo coat and beak second from right, as an actor dressed as Santa Claus walks in front of them.

Dancers dressed in black and white tops and black pants

Dancers dressed in black and white tops and black pants

Dancers dressed in black and white tops and black pants

Dancers dressed in black and white tops and black pants

Actors dressed in white gowns in the rear as two actors walk in front; one in brown wearing a green headscarf and walking with a cane, and the other helping the former.

Actor on left in golden gown looks on at five actors in white gowns paused in scary poses looking back, and one actor laying on the floor below the five.

Mary’s Wedding - October 2023

Mary’s Wedding October 17th & 18th 7:30pm Wexford Studio Theatre
Backdrop of red poppies in a black and white field

Stage lit with a full moon shrouded by clouds. Chairs and a draped object in the middle.

3 actors wearing white shirts and suspenders in the foreground, with 1 actor standing on a platform behind close to the backdrop.

Two rows of actors facing each other in the foreground, as others look on from the raised platform in the back.

One actor dressed in white in the foreground holding a bridal bouquet, while the others on the back platform are standing while appearing asleep with their heads resting on their hands to their right.

Actor in suspenders looks fearfully upwards as others look on from a distance.

Scene of full stage, with actors in suspenders to the left and right, while others are dressed in white standing on a raised platform in the back. Two actors are speaking to each other in the middle.

Two actors in the foreground crouched and looking to one another as they speak, while others on the raised platform watch them.

Actor dressed in white speaks as others look on from behind.

Two actors in the spotlight straddling a covered object while others behind them look upon them.

Actor in foreground spotlight speaking as others look upon them.

Foreground of actors in suspenders waving their hands with their backs to the picture towards others dressed in white waving back at them.

Foreground has an actor dressed in white with their right hand held high waving, with groups of actors waving to other groups.

Foreground of two actors speaking to one another while others behind them are asleep.

Two actors, one in white shirt and suspenders and the other in a white dress, speaking to one another in the foreground as others look on.

Actor in white dress standing and speaking as others look on seated behind them.

Scene of one actor spotlighted on a raised platform with others saluting in the rear. In the foreground, actors dressed as soldiers carrying rifles march across.

Actor in white shirt and suspenders speaking as others in white dresses behind are saluting.

Row of actors in white shirts and suspenders in the foreground, with others standing in the background behind them.

Actors in white shirts and suspenders in the foreground holding their hands to their necks as they lean forward, while others in the background look on.

One actor in the front with a white shirt looking to their right as the background has a meal scene as others in dresses are eating or serving.

Foreground of actor in white looking shocked while another actor looks on them while speaking, spotlighted in their white dress.

Background shot of several actors huddled together with their heads bowed, and two in the middle under an umbrella.

Orange spotlight on foreground of one actor in white shirt being lifted up by other actors, while in the background a blue spotlight of an actor looking upon them.

Whole stage scene of an actor sitting on the floor under an orange spotlight, while in the background a blue spotlight on a group of actors in the centre seated on a raised platform flanked by others seated on either side of them.

Two actors in white speaking to one another in the foreground as others look upon them in the background.

One actor in a soldier hat reading something out loud while another actor in white shirt looks at their back. Others are looking upon them on a raised platform and seated behind them.

Row of seated actors wearing white shirts and carrying rifles

Two actors in white shirts and suspenders holding their rifles in the spotlight in the foreground, as a standing actor in a white dress looks on in the background.

Actor with a soldier’s hat and carrying a rifle in their right hand raising his left hand to his lips looking to the left, as another actor carrying a rifle looks on them.

Actors carrying rifles crouched, with some preparing to aim their rifles to shoot.

Dimly-lit foreground of 5 actors carrying rifles, as others stand looking upon them in the background.

Actor in white shirt and suspenders looking at actor in white dress straddling a covered item, as others in the background look on.

Two actors dressed in white talking to one another in the foreground as others look on in the background.

Actor wearing white shirt and suspenders crouched and aiming a rifle while a standing actor wearing a soldier’s cap follows their sightline.

Actor dressed in white on the right speaking to an actor seated on the left. To the right of the seated actor, others look up and away.

Actor in grey shirt and wearing a soldier hat speaking as others are seated behind and looking on.

Actor in white shirt and suspenders looking forward in a grey light.

Actor dressed in white speaking to their right as others look on from behind.

Actors in soldier hats, one standing and one seated.

Actor in front crouched and aiming a rifle to their left, while another actor behind them in a white dress looks on.

Actor on left in white shirt and brown pants touches their collarbone while the actor on right in all white puts out their right hand towards the other while holding a note.

Actor on left is dressed in a soldier’s coat and hat, speaking with an actor on the right in white shirt and black glasses, as others look on.

Actor in white dress speaking as others looks on from behind.

Actor on right in grey shirt and soldier’s cap points to their right, as the actor on left in white shirt and suspenders looks in the pointed direction.

Acttor in foreground in white shirt spotlighted along with another actor standing in the background surrounded by others. All looking in the same direction to their left.

Actors in white shirts and suspenders holding out their hands as they prepare to charge in this scene.

Actor in soldier’s cap being held by another in white shirt and suspenders.

Actor on left in white shirt and suspenders speaking to their left as actor on right in white dress looks forward, as others in the background look on.

Actors in foreground looking up at spotlighted actor in white dress in the background speaks.

Actor in white dress being comforted by another actor in the foreground, as others look on.

Two columns of actors dressed in white smiling.

Mamma Mia - May 2023

Mamma Mia Poster Flyer

Stage with table in the front and background city lights

Lady holding a bag in the front of a chair and table and wait staff behind the table

Confused tourists holding book being assisted by wait staff

Donna sitting at table writing

Donna standing in the spotlight

Friends around Sophie in anticipation

Sophie reading her mother’s diary surrounded by her friends

Two of Sophie’s friends sitting on the stage looking towards center

Sophie and her friends singing and dancing

Spotlight on Sophie as her friends look on

Spotlight on Sophie as she reads from her mother’s diary and sings as two friends look on

Rosie and Tanya making their entrance at the taverna

Sophie and Sky standing close as they talk to Donna

Pepper looking ahead between Eddie and Tanya

Taverna scene with people at table and one worker wiping the floor

Taverna scene with girls posing for a picture with a camera held by worker

Taverna people preparing to join in singing of Money Money with Donna

Donna in the spotlight singing Money Money

Donna being held by two people as she walks along a row of chairs towards the front of the stage.

Donna singing amongst the taverna

Harry is looking at Bill as he gestures seated at the table

Bill and Sam look center at Harry as he plays the guitar

Sophie walks away from the taverna live band

Bill looks on as Sophie sings

Donna in the spotlight looking down at Sam

Taverna scene as Donna sings Mamma Mia

Donna surrounded by people watching her sing

Donna talking to Sam, Bill, and Harry

Sam, Bill, and Harry singing as the spotlight fades

Rosie tries on an old outfit as Tanya looks on holding an old poster

Tanya and Rosie comfort Donna as she sits on a chair

Rosie and Tanya trying to comfort Donna who is sitting in a chair

Tanya, Donna, and Rosie singing and dancing Dancing Queen
Dancing Queen singers and dancers

Dancing Queen singers and dancers

Dancing Queen singers and dancers

Dancing Queen singers and dancers

Tanya, Donna, and Rosie finishing off Dancing Queen

Sky and Sophie singing and dancing to Lay All Your Love On Me

Sky and Sophie singing and dancing to Lay All Your Love On Me

Characters singing and dancing to Lay All Your Love On Me in flippers

Rosie Donna and Tanya singing Super Trouper on the upper stage in the spotlight

Rosie Donna and Tanya singing Super Trouper on the upper stage in the spotlight

Rosie Donna and Tanya singing Super Trouper

Rosie Donna and Tanya looking on after Super Trouper

Taverna dance scene background

Sam talking to Sophie as Sophie’s friend approaches to whisk him away

Dancers in Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Harry and Sophie speaking to one another in front as the taverna dances in the background

Bill and Sophie singing The Name of the Game

Voulez-Vous dancers

Voulez-Vous dancers

Voulez-Vous dancers as Sophie walks to the back of the stage

Voulez-Vous dancers lifting up Sophie at the end of the scene, with Sam in the foreground

Sophie on a bed surrounded by her three fathers with flashlights in the background

Sophie singing on her bed surrounded by Harry and Bill

Sophie being carried in the air as dancers walk around her. Background crew holding flashlights shining on Sophie.

Donna comforting Sophie after her nightmare with a coat

Eddie, Sky, and Pepper looking on as they talk to Donna off camera

Donna singing One of Us as she sits on a chair

Donna and Sam singing “S.O.S.”

Donna singing “S.O.S.”

Donna and Sam singing “S.O.S.”

Tanya is sitting in a beach chair under a straw umbrella as Pepper talks to her

Rosie and Bill look at the fish that they caught

Taverna characters at the bar

Tanya pointing her finger in the face of Pepper as the live band looks on

Tanya pushing Pepper down to his knees

Flip by dancer across the stage in Does Your Mother Know

Jump by dancer across the stage in Does Your Mother Know

Tanya in front of male characters in Does Your Mother Know

Tanya surrounded by male characters on the floor with one about to fall on the floor in Does Your Mother Know

Sophie and Sam in Knowing Me Knowing You

Sophie and Sam in Knowing Me Knowing You

Harry standing gesturing out as Donna looks out while sitting in Our Last Summer

Harry pretending to ride a motorcycle and pressing the horn as Donna pretends to sit behind him in Our Last Summer

Harry and Donna looking out as they sit on a picnic blanket in Our Last Summer

Donna putting on the veil for Sophie in front after she changed into her wedding dress.

Sophie looking out in her wedding dress as Donna looks at her

Donna singing with arms up in Slipping Through My Fingers

Donna singing with arms out in The Winner Takes It All

Donna singing behind the bed gesturing at Sam as he sits on the bed in The Winner Takes It All

Rosie looking on at Bill as he gestures while singing in Take a Chance on Me

Rosie dancing across the stage with Bill in Take a Chance on Me

Sophie’s friends as bridesmaids prior to the start of the wedding with staff looking on

Bridesmaids walking in front of the church as Sky looks off-stage for Sophie on the right.

Church scene with Sophie, the priest, and Sky in the centre as Donna stands up to speak up.

Donna speaking to Sophie off-stage as Tanya and Rosie sit talking to one another.

Bridesmaids singing I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

Sam on bended knee in front of Donna and friends in I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

Sam on bended knee in front of Donna and friends in I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

Group picture in I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

Sam and Donna get married by the priest

Singers in I Have a Dream

Singers in I Have a Dream

Singers in I Have a Dream

Bill and Sophie hugging as Harry looks on in I Have a Dream

Sophie and Sky prepare to leave in I Have a Dream

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing

Finale Dancing and Singing